The Norwegian Afghanistan Committee strongly condemns the recent burnings of the Holy Quran in Europe. We do not see the burning of books as a valid political statement. Rather, it is a provocation and an expression of deep disrespect and intolerance that only serves to incite hatred and violence. While the proponents of such actions lay claim to their freedom of expression, it is hard to see how the burning of books and the destruction of others’ free speech serves the interest of the freedom they claim to express. In fact, these burnings remind us of darker periods of European history, where in the 1930s nazis and fascists burned books with the intention of erasing the history, culture, and voices of people they disagreed with and wanted to suppress. Those who burn Holy scriptures in Europe today represent the increasing influence of extremists who exercise their right to “freedom” by restricting the freedom of others. The burning of Holy scriptures needs to be called out for what it is – an act of ignorance, intolerance, and oppression. While it may be legal, it represents a fundamental breach of one of the most important values that underpins genuine freedom of speech, namely a deep respect for our shared humanity and the intrinsic right of every human being to dignity and respect.