Årsmøte 2022
Afghanistankomiteen - NAC Kolstadgata 1,Oslo,NorgeVi inviterer til årsmøte 2022 i Afghanistankomiteen. Dette er organisasjonens høyeste organ, og det er her du som medlem kan være med å legge føring for komiteens videre arbeid. Det...
Vi inviterer til årsmøte 2022 i Afghanistankomiteen. Dette er organisasjonens høyeste organ, og det er her du som medlem kan være med å legge føring for komiteens videre arbeid. Det...
I forkant av årsmøte 2022, inviterer Afghanistankomiteen til en oppdatering fra Terje og en sosial middag med medlemmer i Afghanistankomiteen. Det vil være mulig å følge oppdateringen fra Terje digitalt.
Møt forfatter Petter Bauck i samtale med Terje Skaufjord og Merete Taksdal, der de skal diskutere Petters siste bok: "Afghansitan - Landet midt i mellom". Det startet med en reise...
As part of International Week in Bergen, CMI and the Norwegian Afghanistan Committee are pleased to invite you to a seminar on ‘Surviving climate change in Afghanistan’. We have invited...
I forbindelse med Afghanistan-uka åpner Trojo Orientalske tepper utstillingen ‘Knuter i krig og fred’ for å sette søkelyset på Afghanistans materielle kultur, på smykker, klær og, ikke minst, vevede og...
The Afghanistan Week will kick off with the showing of the documentary Taliban Land, following an on-stage discussion with journalist and film maker Nagieb Khaja. https://www.filmfrasor.no/no/film/2022/taliban-land After the transition of...
The Taliban have now controlled Afghanistan for over a year, and the relationship between the new rulers and its neighbours are taking shape. The level of continuity in the relations...
Through war and peace and shifting regimes mosques and religious institutions have played central roles in Afghan communities, providing space for worship and prayer, Islami education, and accommodating the needs...
After the Taliban takeover women’s rights have dramatically worsened. Women are more and more invisible in public space. They are ordered to cover their faces, prohibited from travelling alone or...
Preventing Afghanistan from becoming the ground for new terror attacks against the US and its allies was the major justification for the intervention in 2001. During almost 20 years of...
This new book, by Afghan academic Timor Shahran maps out how political networks and centers of power, engaged in patronage, corruption, and illegality. Such networks effectively constituted the Afghan state...
The Norwegian Godal Committee from 2017 stated that ''the support the Intelligence Service provided to the Special Forces through the National Intelligence Support Team (NIST) was the most comprehensive and...